I LOVE exercise. I just hate doing it.
I wish I had someone who could do it for me (note to self: looking into inventing a personal exerciser).
I wish I had someone who could do it for me (note to self: looking into inventing a personal exerciser).
I’ve recently decided to pull out some old exercise videos from my much slimmer, more ambitious days and they are now dust free – but otherwise as untouched as a nun on her 50th birthday.
I have truly amazed myself at the level of creativity I've displayed in making up really good excuses. Here are 10 of them.
1. I’m too tired. This excuse always applies and can be used in every circumstance.
2. My foot, leg, back, neck or some other body part hurts a little bit. I don’t want to make it worse.
3. I swear I’ll exercise tomorrow. (As common as "I'll only hit the snooze button once.")
4. It’s too hot. I don’t want to dehydrate/sweat/be too hot.
5. I’m missing a mandatory piece of equipment that I will only use one time and will hate, but must have before I can begin.
6. I don’t want people at the gym to think I’m fat.
7. There are too many people at the walking track and I will crash into them while on my rollerblades because they walk too slow and don’t get out of my way.
8. The exercise I planned is inside and I want to be outside/exercise is outside and I want to be inside. Rain and sunshine work in both cases.
9. I don’t have time. There are at least 1,001 other things I could be doing instead (i.e. tweeze eyebrows, file nails, clean refridgerator, brush dog, paint by number, check email, call mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle..., wash dishes, go shopping, browse internet, write blog about excuses …).
10. I deserve some relaxation ... and a piece of chocolate, and a latte, and a burger, a beer, a slurpee, a break, a hair cut … Oh, I’ll just exercise tomorrow, I promise.
1 comment:
Oh Rene i agree with every one of your excuses and i probably have a hundred more
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