Recently at work we had a 4th of July BBQ outside on the patio.
I decided way in advance that I wasn’t going anywhere near the elaborate, milky, syrupy, creamy, sweet, dessert table, but I would enjoy the BBQ.
I was feeling good about myself until my nearest co-worker – who is also (needlessly) trying to lose weight announced she wouldn’t be eating the dessert - or the BBQ either.
Noooooo BBQ for her. Instead she indulged on a bowl of steamed mixed veggies.
Several of my co-workers taunted and teased me while I waited in the food line. One of them, without mentioning names (Donna), even videoed taped me.
When I went back up for a second helping of ribs I was as quick and stealthy as a gazelle. Plus, I pretended I was just chatting with the caterer. Because of peering eyes I really had to plan out my eating - it was worth it though - Primo's ribs are the bomb.
My boss, who’s humor is so off-colored and unexpected it often ends up painful – not only for the recipient of the joke, but bystanders as well, decided a plate of brownies was just what the veggie eater needed.
Happy 4th to the PHAT friends!
I decided way in advance that I wasn’t going anywhere near the elaborate, milky, syrupy, creamy, sweet, dessert table, but I would enjoy the BBQ.
I was feeling good about myself until my nearest co-worker – who is also (needlessly) trying to lose weight announced she wouldn’t be eating the dessert - or the BBQ either.
Noooooo BBQ for her. Instead she indulged on a bowl of steamed mixed veggies.
Yeah. Thanks for making me look like a PHATass even while I'm avoiding the dessert table.
Lemme tell you, when you write a blog about losing weight and people know about it, food gatherings are about as joyful as a pit of tarantulas to an arachnophobic.
Several of my co-workers taunted and teased me while I waited in the food line. One of them, without mentioning names (Donna), even videoed taped me.
I thought I'd playfully joke back with them by slapping their full plates ont
o their shirt fronts, but I had other fish to fry - those ribs needed eatin'.
While I despise my co-workers feeble and failing attempts at humor, they do keep me in line.
When I went back up for a second helping of ribs I was as quick and stealthy as a gazelle. Plus, I pretended I was just chatting with the caterer. Because of peering eyes I really had to plan out my eating - it was worth it though - Primo's ribs are the bomb.
For dessert, I did indulge in a few strawberries and slowly savored every single
morsel while disdainfully watching said veggie eater munching carrots at her
My boss, who’s humor is so off-colored and unexpected it often ends up painful – not only for the recipient of the joke, but bystanders as well, decided a plate of brownies was just what the veggie eater needed.
Diets be damned, he put the brownies right in front of her on her desk – and guess what?
She ate every crumb.
Thanks boss.
Happy 4th to the PHAT friends!
I'm going to a family reunion tomorrow. I'm buying turkey franks to grill. It's hard to tell when they are done. I'm really debating about whether to eat them on a bun. Even the "whole wheat" buns are supposed to be packed with calories. This is really a dilema! I really love hot dogs on a bun. What's 4th of July without a hot dog on a bun? BUT - I really do like this cute pair of shorts...
Whole wheat buns suck. They are torture generally used by bitter mothers in law, but truthfully, turkey hot dogs really don't deserve much else.
Actually, I'm sure someone at the family reunion will sicken you with their antics so you probably won't eat much anyway.
I say go full flavor hot dog - Celebrate Independance!
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