Since I've lost 30+ pounds (!) people ask me all the time about weight loss and exercise and wanna gab about nutrition and stuff, which is great. I want to spread my vast knowledge about all things fatness to the world, plus I love to hear myself talk.
Sometimes in the break room at work I'll just hang out and wait for someone to approach me and ask about, or comment on my weight. Sometimes I have to dig for a compliment, but I'm patient ... and I don't let them leave until they say something nice about me. ;)
My friend, (we'll call her Ginger), however, never gets asked about her weight loss and she's lost over 55 pounds(!) in the last year.
That's what got me thinking about Fat Snobbery.
Ginger is skinny - now. Us fat gals, however, just look at her with disdain, "Like that skinny bitch knows anything about being fat." We'd just give a girl like her a sideways glance and think about how miserable she probably is starving herself all the time. "I may be fat, but at least I'm happy."
I used to think Ginger was just being an attention whore. "Nobody ever asks me about weight loss," she'd whine with a sad face. Me, me, me. And I'd be like, "Get over it, Ginger, you're skinny, we hate you."
But now that I've lost a bit of weight and I'm starting to look pretty damn sexy (if I do say so myself), I've realized Ginger might have a point.
My heavier lady friends are starting to give me that sideways glance too. Those bitches. After all the advice I've given them! And the compliments I've graciously accepted!
Us Fat ladies are snobs. I've seen it in action so many times. A group of ladies will be talking about trying to lose weight - it is our favorite subject - and the skinny girls pipes up and we all look at her like she's 3-day-old leftovers, or worse, a man.
I didn't use to like Ginger at all until she showed me a whole bunch of pictures of herself FAT. Then I liked her, unless I was looking at her in one of those super cute dresses she's always parading around in.
Don't get me wrong, skinny girl prejudice is fine, but it shouldn't be used against a former FAT girl. I'll always despise the girl who was never fat. I'm not perfect.
Being fat gives you character, it has to, people would never pay you the time of day otherwise. Fat girls are often the funniest, smartest, most talented girls in the room. We've learned to work our other assets because our bodies get ignored (if we're lucky).
Of course, once a girl is skinny, if you didn't know her when she fat, you'd think she was always skinny and hate her as much as you'd hate a girl that never knew the hard life of a fat girl.
That's why I think we should all wear buttons on our shirts with pictures of us at our fattest. That way we can know who deserves the sideways glance and who doesn't.
Congratulations on your success. And by success, I mean getting damn bitch whore in the same column. In the old days, the censors would have taken a pen and crossed out those words. I'm glad things have changed since 2010. Including your weight.
lol Ginger, I'm thinking I know that little calorie counting Ginger hehe
I won't give you that sideways look if you don't make fun of my rabbit food no mo! ;-) The truly crazed are everywhere...
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