I've been avoiding you.
I don't want to tell you that I've gained back the five pounds I lost.
Somehow I fell off the wagon. This is what happened:
Last week my daughter and I made chocolate chip cookies and zucchini bread. I ate ample amounts of both.
I've been walking less - for which I have dozens of excuses. Here are the five main ones.
1: The weather. It's been colder and rainier. I haven't pulled out my warm weather clothes yet, so I can't walk.
2: Back to school. My daughter going back to school has thrown a wrench into my schedule. I was waking up early and walking on the treadmill before work, but now, with my daughter back in school I have to wake up even earlier to get my walking in, and well, it's hard. I like sleep.
3: I went to a wedding. Weddings are good excuses to overeat. There was a cheesecake bar (Damn that cheesecake bar!)
4: Work. Last week I had things to do that required early mornings and late nights. I was very busy and ate on the fly and twice I didn't have dinner until 10 p.m. I wouldn't have eaten at all that late except that I was really hungry. Once, during a late night meeting my stomach was growling so loudly the person sitting next me actually got hungry. When fat people's stomachs growl it's not cute. It's just embarrassing.
5: Progress. I haven't made any. It's really hard to continue to try and eat right and exercise when nothing is happening.
Yesterday my daughter and I went walking in downtown Detroit. It would have been a good outing except for the fact that we made two stops. 1: Vincente's Cuban Cuisine. Yum. We ate beef empanadas (deep fried) and Papas Rellenas - they're breaded potato balls with meat inside (deep fried).
We then continued on our walk and found ourselves in Greektown, right outside of - 2: Astoria Pastry Shop. I think the Astoria Pastry Shop is what my heaven looks like.
One chocolate covered macaroon later and we found our way down to the Riverwalk, where let's face it, I was too full to get any real walking done.
I've determined that, now that I'm over age 20 (a while now), for each granule of sugar I eat I need to walk one mile. I'm going to try and do better at applying that equation to my daily life; and I'll try not to avoid you so much.
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