Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bathroom Confessional

"I have a confession to make," the voice from the other side of the bathroom stall said over the sound of me peeing.

"Tell me what you have done, my child," I said.

I didn't really say that. The voice was one of my co-workers. What I said was, "Are you seriously confessing something to me from the other side of a bathroom stall?"

Laughter. "I guess I am," the voice said. "I ate a Snickers bar today. I was was really hungry."

I wish I could remember my reply, but I don't, so here's what I should have said ...

"Ask forgiveness from the scale gods and do 100 sit-ups in penance. Go in peace my child and don't eat any more Snickers bars this week ... and never to speak to me of Snickers bars while in the bathroom again!"

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