Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can't be Helped, Can't be Stopped

There are some people in this world that, no matter how hard you try, you just can't help. They have to want to help themselves and if they don't there isn't anything you can do about it.

I am one of those people.

I refuse to stop eating Tim's (an editor at the newspaper) awesome brownies and if anyone tries to stop me I will hurt them.

Tim makes the best most chocolaty, nutty, chewy deeelicious brownies in the history of the world. He is famous for them in at least five different areas of this office.

Today we celebrated something. Who knows what?? I can't keep up. It was another workday, another table of fat and goodness.

But there was something different.

Today they put the dessert table all the way across the room, so it wasn't right in front of me.

I don't know if they did it on purpose, or if that's just where - after one million years - they decided it should be, but that's where it went. WWWWAAAAAAYYYY far from me and out of my sight and smell range.

How does that old saying go? "Out of sight, out of mind?" That's because they're all in my mouth. (That's what she said.)

At least I have to walk across the room to get my fix now. It's hard though because I can't just nonchalantly walk by and snag a piece of banana cake, I have no other reason to be over there so everyone knows what I'm doing.

At least I'm getting some extra exercise. Sigh.

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