I hate her; I do, but I have to admit, she may be my only salvation.
Months of trotting my largess around parks and on my treadmill have amounted to virtual squat, but just over a week of Denise Austin's kickass exercise death match and I've lost 10 pounds.
Yes, I said 10 pounds.
Every time I look down at my bulging stomach I am shocked that it is actually bulging less. I have LESS of a bulge! There is hope left in this world yet.
Just to make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me I grab a hold of the offending blubber and heft it to see if my hands can make me understand what my eyes can't believe. It's shrinking :) :) :) !!
Getting here has not been pretty and more ugliness must ensue. MUCH more ugliness.
I only do the videos in my basement, because, God Forbid, one of my neighbors were to catch site of my hulking form flopping around like a sopping wet whale out of water. I wouldn't want to make them have to move out of town, or worse - attend therapy.
So while I struggle to breathe and heave my laden thighs just one more time - Come on, you can do it! - onto that step, I hate her, but I have to love her too. She's like the mother-in-law you'll never be good enough for, but you keep trying so damn hard anyway.
I admit, I don't do half of the exercises. "I'm not even trying that," I frequently think while jogging in place and fighting for air as I watch her skinny, fit butt prance around, but one day I just might get there.
So, though it pains me to do it, I leave you with an Austinism: "Strong bodies strong minds, because you ar

I may have to start muting the TV.
1 comment:
Youtubers are great fans of Denise Austin workout videos, and it's not only for the fitness benefits! In some Washington DC newspaper story, someone asked Denise in April of 2007 if she knew she was the object of so much lust on YouTube. She said she was not aware. “Now I’m worried!" she reportedly said with a giggle. "I went to YouTube to see that autistic kid playing basketball in New York. That was wonderful. But that’s about it.” I wonder if she has ever read any of the comments and giggled.
"Stretch Comedy: Exercise guru gets indecent exposure.," Dave McKenna, Washington City Paper, April 20, 2007, Vol. 27, #16
More related links:
"YouTube Workout Videos, Is it Porn?," Emily McCombs, Asylum.com, July 29, 2008
"The Denise Austin Phenomenon," Allen, Laguna Beach Bikini (changed to Here Look!), April 12, 2010
Original link:
New link:
"Denise Austin Soft Porn Queen Video," jus1gear, eBaum's World, September 6, 2010
"A Love Letter to Denise Austin," Kate, Kate Recommends... (changed to The Bitchy Girl Diaries), April 25, 2011
Old link:
New link:
"Denise Austin Gets Indecent Exposure," Unknown, Denise Austin Fan, Sunday, September 25, 2011
"Denise Austin in cameltoe action!," Girls Camel Toe, Thursday, March 29, 2007
"Denise Austin cameltoe - Acquarium Show," Girls Camel Toe, Thursday December 13, 2007
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