It's not often you get to feel good about NOT losing weight, but every once in a while we are granted a little Christmas miracle, like the demise of the Biggest Losers club.
I recently blogged about joining my work place's "Biggest Loser" weight loss competition. I will make a long story (filled with tales of my overeating) short and just say I didn't win. A very deserving gal named "Louise" won. She went and got a new haircut with her $50 prize and she's lookin' pretty sassy lately.
The Biggest Losers club was started just two (ha! two!) months ago by a bunch of co-workers who wanted to exercise, eat healthier and - most importantly - lose weight. Each participant would donate $5 and the person who lost the most weight won the money.
They were so smug in the beginning. They all went out and joined a gym. They exercised together. They'd gather in the hallways and talked about all the exercise they were doing. They seemed so certain their success was just over the horizon.
I'd already been trying to lose weight, oh for 20-some years, and have been failing miserably. I knew it was next to impossible. They had yet to learn.
I admit, I secretly scoffed at them. They actually thought that moderate amounts of diet and exercise were going to get them results? These people aren't teenagers. Ha! What were they thinking?
So, after two months, pools of sweat, massive sugar deprivation and a long, cold, demoralizing shower, the Biggest Loser club has come to its end. (I'm skipping around my desk right now singing, "I told you so, I told you so!")
The weight-loss wasn't as easy as they had anticipated. They blamed the holidays. So do I, every year.
They said they're going to pick up again after the new year. It will be a New Year's resolution of sorts ... and we all know how those end up. He he. I wish them all the best. ;)
Photo caption: Dancing Santa is laughing with them, not at them.