Sunday, July 18, 2010

Taking it on the road

I took the PHAT blog on the road today for some public exercise. Yeah, this is all about shaming myself into weightloss afterall.

My daughter and I went to Beauti-Ful Heritage Park in Taylor. That is place really is a secret gem Downriver. It is so amazing there it Almost makes it easier to get some exercise. Almost.

We walk/trotted around the paved trails for a grueling hour with me putting my head down and speeding past all other park inhabitants - nobody, not even the little squirrels need to see me trot. Trust me, it ain't pretty.

The botanical gardens there are Spectacular though, and eased the pain of the exercise while making it even more worthwhile.

I'm thinking of making it my secret Downriver exercise hang-out. If you happen to see me there, however, don't expect a 'hello' I'll be running past like I never saw you - which, actually would increase the exercise, so not a bad idea.

I'm thinking of trying the rollerblades there, but I wouldn't want to traumatize the flowers, they're too pretty for all that and those poor squirrels might never recover. God help them if I fell while one was nearby - squirrel pate' - yikes.

The photo is of me acting as the (rather lofty) antenna for the butterfly. See? Those gardeners at Heritage Park sure know what they're doing. I bet I wasn't their idea for antenna though.


Allicat said...

I choose not to acknowledge people while I'm exercising either. I don't know if it's worse if I know them or not. At least those who know me, know I do not look like that all the time.

Unknown said...

Nice pic. You look more like you are worshipping some crazy, ancient butterfly god.

Rene said...

Why does the ancient butterfly god have to be "crazy" Nathan? Is it because of the way I look?? Stop looking at me when I exercise for Pete's sake!

Allicat: People who know me probably have fairly low expectations, so I don't know why exactly it matters. It just does.

Thanks for reading.

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