Monday, January 10, 2011

Temptation Table

I attended a work luncheon today where they automatically serve you every course, including dessert. I was determined to tell the server NOT to give me any dessert because I had no intention of eating it.

The server thwarted me, however, by putting a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup at my spot while I was out of my seat working. I never knew ice cream could be so offensive. I swear it just stared at me.

So, while I listened intently to the speaker (ho hum), I stared back at that bowl of ice cream. I hated to see it wasted; I debated just taking a few quick bites - bites taken quickly do not contain as many calories - but I did not. I let that ice cream melt. Score one for me.

The situation spurred me to invent the game Temptation Table.
This is how the game works:

All day long I am confronted with food and dessert - some of it very enticing - my objective - to win the game - is done by choosing only reasonable amounts of the healthiest foods and leaving the rest alone. Points are scored by using a scale. The game, however, lasts an entire lifetime, which makes it pretty lame. I suggest playing it several times a day and not thinking about it never ending.

Lose the game and stay (or get) fat. Win the game and be thin and healthy. Wa-la.

Patent pending ;)

The photo ( is an artistic rendering of Star Wars character Jaba the Hut. Jaba should not have eaten so much ice cream. I bet he's really sorry now.

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