Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I was feeling a little bit chubby and dejected after long week and a worse day including two traffic jams, when on my way home I decided to stop for some food.

Mistake one: Never stop for food when you're feeling bad about yourself.

Problem one: Construction. Why is there construction on every road I travel on? Just once this year I really wish I could just get somewhere without sitting in construction related traffic. I'm starting to despise those damn yellow cones nearly as much as my first ex-husband - and that is not easy. That man makes Lindsey Lohan look like a choir girl.

Problem two: The only places to get food without getting into more traffic is ... fast food.

My karma started working on me as soon as I pulled into that McDonald's driveway.

I ordered my angus burger and fries with a side of tartar sauce - because let's face it, if you're going to do it you may as do it right. The tartar was for the fries - a tasty little trick I learned in Paris (Yes, I can manage to eat garbage in a country known for the best cuisine in the world).

Of course, there was no tartar sauce in my bag when I got home.

But wait! Oh, lucky me, I have tartar sauce in my fridge!

Halfway through my "meal" I decided the tartar tasted - off. That's when the date on the bottle caught my eye.

That tartar had expired - in 2007.

Mistake two: Eating tartar and french fries. What is wrong with me??

That did for me. I deserved it. After being so good for days and days that's what I get for breaking down and eating high-calorie, zero nutrition filler.

I checked the rest of my condiments and I don't why, but I was shocked to find that some of condiments actually dated back to the Clinton presidency. In fact, I think some of them came into the house with that first husband.

I quit right then and there. I gave my remaining food to my two little dogs - they'd really been getting my nerves lately anyway.

Instead I ate mini tomatoes out of my garden. They were delicious; they actually tasted like food.


Anonymous said...

Lol rene I have been a victim of your outdated food before, if u recall. Too, too funny!

Rene said...

Anon: You've been a vicim of my outdated food!?!? Do tell!
You're not the SOB always stealing out of work fridge are you??

Anonymous said...

No babe its me laura, remember the smores david and I choked down. Lol

Rene said...

I forgot about the smores with the year-old crackers! Ha ha. Apparently I have an issue with throwing food away.
I'm going to start seeing a food whisperer.

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