Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sun Chips Bags are Genius

My co-workers were eating Sun Chips yesterday and Jason a.k.a. "the office food cop" observed that the bag was really, really loud.

“How am I supposed to sneak chips with a bag this loud?” he asked.

It should be noted he was also trying to sneak cookies and said the plastic container they were in was too loud as well. Note to food manufacturers: Please make your containers quieter for us PHAT folk. (Why are you sneaking so much food, Jason?)

We do a lot of eatin’ around here.

It turns out we’re not the only ones that think the new Sun Chips bag is super loud.

There’s a Facebook group called “SORRY BUT I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THIS SUN CHIPS BAG” that has over 33,000 fans.

The Wall Street Journal even wrote a story about it.

They quoted someone who said it’s “the worst when your stoned at 2 a.m. and trying to not wake up the house.” (Hmmm. I wonder where the WSJ is finding their sources?)

That bag got me to thinking.

What if every food you ate was really loud and drew attention to you?

That could be a really good diet incentive.

“Rene is eating her fourth helping of Doritos,” the bag could announce when I reach into it. Or, “This is your third Oreo” or "That's 600 calories Tubby," or “Look at Rene eat this doughnut” when I stick my pudgy hand into the box.
Nobody wants to eat annoying, snarky food.
They already market cookie jars that moo or oink when you open them and little things for your fridge that will do the same when you open the fridge door.

Apparently we PHATties have been shameless for a while.

On the flipside (also a tasty cracker), healthy foods could say things like, "Look at how smart you are!" or "Bet you're going to lose a pound this week!" But healthy food doesn't generally come in bags or boxes.

Perhaps Sun Chips is onto something here. Every time someone reaches into that bag we turn and look.

“That’s five times today, Karl, we are trying to work over here, geez.” (Just joking boss, we know how much you like your chips. Here! Have more chips!)

I think I’m going to start putting all of my food into Sun Chip bags. I could use them for sandwiches, leftovers … chili, pretty much anything.

The rule would be that I have to eat it directly from the bag - no taking the food out of the bag to eat.

Either I’ll lose weight because I don’t want everyone to hear every bite I take, or I’ll be PHAT and deaf.

Pretty much I've got nothing to lose. Except my hearing. I’ll just get earplugs.

Hey, wait ... Karl! Save some of those chips for the rest of us!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the eternal struggle! Our vices exposed to the world by inanimate objects, making it impossible to keep up appearances.

Baggies are less noisy, so why not transfer the junk food to them?

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