Monday, May 3, 2010

Marshmellow Belly

Now that I’ve gone public with this whole weight loss scheme I’ve got to watch my back when I’m sneaking food.

Ideally, I wouldn’t sneak any food, but I'm not gonna lie; I can’t help it.

I’ve been in the habit of eating toasted coconut marshmallows as a snack at my desk for a few months.

Today, not wanting my co-workers, who know about this blog, to see me imbibing them one after another, I tried to open the bag really quietly. Within seconds the calories of said marshmallows were the topic of newsroom conversation.

I admit I started it to take the heat off – deflect away from the phat girl jamming coconut marshmallows down her throat at her desk again.

The suckvalue of dieting smacked me in the face when I realized just 6 of my marshmallows are 170 calories. I’ve been eating half a bag at a sitting! No wonder I’m phat.

I decided two was a fair number for a snack.
TWO!? Who in the hell only eats two marshmallows??
Me, if I don’t want to stay the phat girl, that’s who. I'm debating about cutting them into pieces to make them last longer, which is probably a good idea considering the WARNING on the bag of tricky little treats: Eat one at a time.
How did they know?

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